Saturday, September 12, 2009

sign of the time

I am such a Libra! I’m always seeking perfection in the balance. As much I long for different personality traits, I think after this many years, I better just accept it's how I am made. As long as I can find the balance with my obsessions and smell the flowers, success will be the journey after all. As this has been my year of growing up, I have learned a variety of news skills not to mention a few new philosophical points of view. But on the eve of a personal new decade it gives me strength to reflect on what I’ve learned and know others join me along the way.

I am still made speechless by your support. Unfortunately sometimes one can’t voice the totality of their opinions and one may be beholden to serve the big picture, but when any individual discovers where and how they can demonstrate their integrity, the world is just a little better for it. Despite my inevitable disappointments, I refuse to quit on my ethics. I will adapt to my options at any particular moment, but I will not ever limit myself to them. Life is full of highs and lows, and they are no more obvious than in Hollywood. But there is also no better place for the come-back.

I am just using a lot of words to say thank you to those who believe in me and my work. I have been baffled by how some decisions are made in several categories of my life, but this must be what most people feel at particular times in their life. I truly now understand life is not about what happens to you but really about how you react to it.

Happily, life continues to move forward and I had a very balanced month of family, home and work. We had a very relaxing vacation. I’ve been able to cross more projects off the remodel list and real opportunities have been trickling in. Plus you will have not 1, not 2, but 5 Kate days the last week of September and you may actually like them too.

Good night my flowers. And thank you again for keeping me on the road.



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  3. Thank You so much for your blog and taking the time to share with us!! I'm so happy to read we will have 5 Kate days!! SO GREAT!! You're awesome Megan!! xoxo Kris (watching gh for 38 years)

  4. 5 Kate days! And we may actually enjoy them? May? Will love them for sure because you never cease to amaze with whatever material you're given. And you actually had fun with some of the scenes. Seriously can't wait!

    Thank you for your awesome and lengthy blog. You never cease to brighten the day.

    For your integrity. For your work ethic. For everything you do. Thank YOU!

  5. Awwwww, that was the sweetest thing! "Goodnight my flowers." :) Are you getting all sentimental about the first anniversary of your 39th birthday? Funny story, when I turned 12 I started getting an allowance. From that age till 18 every week my dad would give me $40. He told me that the only thing he wanted in return was for me to tell everyone who asked his age that he was 39 instead of his real age (at the time he was 49). My poor mom was always her real age, lol. He still gets his payout from me, he just celebrated the 22nd anniversary of his 39th birhtday. So... may I suggest picking a kid to do your dirty work? haha. However, with your face, no one would believe you are 39. ;) Anyway, hope you are excited about presents, because I am excited for you. :P

  6. Thank you Megan for your fabulous blog. A short blog or a long blog - they are always entertaining and informative. I'm so glad that you blog instead of twitter - your blogs always make me smile, laugh and they are always charming. "Good night my little flowers" Megan - you are the cutest thing ever. =)

    5 days of Megan/Kate. WOW!! I was excited before, but now I'm jumping for joy. I know that we will love every single moment that you are on and will be watching those scenes more than once - like lots! :-)

    Thanks so much for all that you put into your character of Kate. You really are a breath of fresh air on GH. Your talent, integrity and work ethic is noticed and very much appreciated.

    BTW- I just noticed that you have a new craft project listed - a courtyard fountain with fish and lilies? How lovely that sounds. Any chance that you would like to share a photo with us? We know how much you like to take photos, right? ;-)

    Thanks again Megan for the blog. I'm so glad that you had a good summer and vacation in Hawaii with your family. I hope we continue to see more and more of the fabulous Kate Howard. You truly have been missed.


    P.S. Are we going to see YOUR 10 truths and 1 lie soon? Loved your comment on Jessica's blog. It WAS hard - so I passed on guessing. I hope Jessica blogs the answer soon. I love reading both your blogs- you two gals are witty and charming. :)

  7. Sorry Megan, I just noticed that I misquoted you - it's "Good night my flowers". I hate when I do that. My excuse is that it's past 3 AM and I have yet to go to bed -- insomniac :-)


  8. Thanks for new Blog! If we are the flowers then you are the ROSE!You seem to be more content with your life these days and know how to deal with whatever comes your way.5 days of Kate Howard--did someone go on vacation at GH and they needed someone to fill in(just kidding)They need a few to take permanent vacations and get Kate on full time.Your fans are a special bouquet of flowers that will never die on you!

  9. As a fellow Libra, we all need to balance perfection with the real world while we enjoy the journey (maybe not every day).

    Do not give up on your ethics, that is important to you and in the long run your children, Oliver and Audrey.

    Thanks for the blog.We will all enjoy the 5 days that you are on GH at the end of September and it will give us alot to tell TPTB, by phone, on insider (where we rewrite GH for TPTB),email and by card.


  10. Great blog! Thanks Megan. A fish pond is in the works eh? Makes me remember a certain Skate scene about a koi pond. Sigh. I have a fish pond and I spend hours just listening to the water and watching the fish. I believe it is really a great way to recenter yourself after a hectic day. So I started with 2 fish about 18 years ago and now have at least 50. If you need fish I would be happy to send you some- birthday present maybe? I am very excited you will be on for 5 days and I hope maybe this is a sign there will be more Kate in the future.

  11. "life is not about what happens to you but really about how you react to it." I love that:) Damn that is so true! I'm remembering that one.

    One I like to tell my students is "your thoughts don't choose you, you choose your thoughts"

    Thanks for the blog!

  12. Megan we will always believe in you because we all love you. Always thank you so much for always making our day with your blog.

    dinah "bartender"

  13. Aww what a great blog!!! I'm lost... as usual.. but I love trying to figure you out. Thank you for sharing a small part of your many journeys with us. It is just good to hear from you once in awhile as we deal with our lack of screen time for you.. a bit of good news.. Yay!! 5 Kate Days... whoa! Love It!! and of course always supportive and dedicated to my girl Megan.. Keep ur chin up.. there is so much love for you out there.. you really have no idea how much! Take Care.. Love you forever and a day! Kimmie

  14. Wow, thanks for another awesome blog! So much better and insightful than a tweet would be. We all appreciate the time you take to share with us.

    And 5 days of Kate? Love that!

  15. You are the best and thank you for all that you do for us!!!! I am bless to have a friend like you and to be part of this Kate Howard journey with you!!!! I am so happy that my Megan/ kate will be on!!!! Thank you again for the awesome blog!! Take care and God bless.


  16. Awwww Megan, you are getting philosophical on us! Seriously, I am touched by your words. You always seem to know what to say and reflect on what you have experienced in such a positive manner. I am so looking forward to those 5 days of Kate...of course, I am greedy and hope with all our efforts there can be more. After all, you have lots more things needed to cross off on that remodel list!!!

  17. oh how i wish i wasn't such a resistant-to-change aquarius. i need to find a way to adopt your always reliable philosophies! anyway, i really just wanted to stop by and say IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME that a G.C. flick showed up on your list. geez.

  18. As I sit reading your latest blog, I am reminded of why I am a fan. I respect your code of ethics and admire your integrity. I too feel that we are given opportunities to react to life and sometimes lessons are learned when they are least expected. Example for me was this morning when I had to awaken at 2:30am because my 3 teenage daughters had volunteered me and themselves for the "Race for the Cure" run here in Colorado Springs. Waking my girls, a little less than enthusiastic, driving 30 minutes while they slept, unloading food for 10,000 runners at 4:00am in the damp, cold 40 degree weather; all caused me to pause and wonder...why am I doing this? However, at 6:30 when the refreshment tent opened and we began to serve the survivors, their families and friends,I again paused and watched my girls and realized I was doing this because I am one lucky girl. I learned a lesson from the surviviors, and my own daughters...a lesson that you, Megan, mentioned in your is not about what happens to you, but rather how you react to it.

    Megan, thanks for the blog, and thanks for being you!

    P.S. Fresh snow atop Pikes Peaks at daybreak was a pretty neat site too!

  19. Thanks for another thought provoking blog! Am I the only one who has to read and reread it numerous times to fully comprehend all the little tidbits of information that lies within?
    I know I am a dunderhead, but? When you decide to teach philosophy in your spare time, I will be the first to sign up for the course! I definitely need to take a lesson from you.. Love your positive outlook on all things 'life'. ;-)

    Sounds like the end of September will be "must see" days on GH. About time Kate graces our screens for more than one or two days a month!


  20. Wooh Nelly! Great blog.

    Thank YOU for accepting us and including us on your journey the past couple of years. Through your incredible gernerous spirit and professional talent we have been afforded the opportunity to feel many of your ups and downs and certainly are left with great pride as fans and loyalty when it comes to you and all that you are.

    Looking forward to seeing Kate! Thanks for the heads up.
    Keep your faith.

  21. awwww thanks for blogging 5 days???? cant wait!!! When are we going to see ur 10 truths one lie??? lol

    love ya and support u always

    ps enjoy ur last 12 days being 39 haha

  22. Thanks so much for this blog, Megan. While it’s always fun hearing about your activities, I really love, and maybe even need, to hear how you are feeling, what you are thinking.
    I read all your blogs from last year until
    now, and it amazes me how much you have grown in this past year. You’ve had many challenges and met them all with grace and wisdom, never compromising your integrity. This is one of the reasons why you are so respected and loved.

    Another birthday, another layer is peeled away, revealing more of your heart, the core of who you are and where your journey is leading. Embrace who you are, Megan, for you are exactly what and where you are supposed to be. You may not be as perfect as you feel you should be, but you obviously live a life of excellence. What more could you expect of yourself? You’ve been a great teacher to all of us.

    As always, our support is ongoing and unwavering. We got your back, Megan, and you have our hearts.

    Love, peace & happiness always,


  23. I don't know what to say besides you're just awesome and so inspiring. I really needed to read something like this right now. =)

    AND 5 Kate days! YES! <3

    Thank you for blogging!

  24. First of all, Goodnight and Good Luck is SUCH a good movie! I saw it when it was first released in theaters and loved it! I hope you enjoy it!

    Second, could you possibly be more articulate and insightful? Your blogs are always so much fun to read, and they never fail to make us think. Your "lessons learned" that you so frequently mention apply to all of our lives, as well ... lessons we may never even have thought about if not for your insightful and inspiring blogs! One of my favorite song lyrics ever is "Picked all my weeds but kept the flowers." I so love the symbolism behind it and the lesson of learning to comb through our lives and keep the truly important things (which almost always turn out not to be things at all, but rather people and memories) in them. Your blog reminded me of the quote, so I figured I'd share it :)

    Third, FIVE KATE DAYS?!?! I can't wait, and I truly hope this is only the start of many, many more Kate days to come!! :) It would be so nice to finally have some light and fresh air breathed back into GH!

    Fourth, we will ALWAYS support you! You're stuck with all of us :-)

  25. Thanks Megan for always teaching me something about life and personal experience, I admire you for that.I respect you for being such a possitive person who learns from everything that happens in your life and keep moving forward.
    I had to read your blog several times,first because English is my 2nd language (didn't google,I looked up the old dictionary of mine!), second because you get so deep and philosiphical I don't want to miss anything important point.

    I'm going to enjoy every minute of those 5 days and hope for more in October. Love and support you always.

  26. Thanks for the very thoughtful and wise blog! I'm approaching a new decade in my life too. We all need reminders about life and dealing with what comes our way. I appreciate reading your musings.

    Look forward to more Kate days on GH. Wow, 5 days, huh? I won't know what to do with myself. LOL.

    Thanks again.

  27. OK so I'm probably way off base on this one but as I continue to digest and try to understand all the complex feelings you have outlined in this blog, while quite positive, I am left with a sense that as upbeat as you may be, you yourself are still not quite convinced.

    So just one more comment. A thought occurs to me that perhaps throughout the past year situations have unfolded and in an attempt to understand them you have questioned your personal choices. My advice while not sought is; screw it/them - you are who you are and there is nothing wrong with how you do things and while perhaps not exactly what some may be looking for, at the end of the day they are not your judge and jury. You and those who love you are the only ones to be concerned about. Second, this is one hell of a big world! Opportunities do not have to lie within one certain segment of a population.

    OK now that I've completely confused you and myself - I guess what I am trying to say is what Carly Simon says in one of her songs, which I believe is about a long-term relationship gone stale but certainly could apply to many aspects of ones life; The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of - "Take a look around, change the direction, adjust the tuning, try a new translation, don't look at your man in the same old way, take a new picture, just because you don't see shooting stars doesn't mean it isn't perfect, can't you see, its the stuff that dreams are made of, its that slow and steady fire, its the stuff that dreams are made of, its your heart and soul's desire, ... use your imagination and you will see its the stuff that dreams are made of".

    I know I'm such a geek with my quotes and go-to songs but, just remember, never, ever let that doubt creep in - we won't let you :) that's what we are here for.

  28. Thanks for the blog Megan. Always great to hear from you. I started my own new decade this year and totally agree the most important thing in life is too be true to yourself with your ethics and values. I personally can never thank you enough for allowing us to follow you on this journey and all the amazing things you have done for us. It has been something I will cherish always not only meeting you but making so many new friends that in all honesty wouldnt have touched my life if not for you and all of your time that you have given to us. Thanks for everything Megan!

  29. Megan,

    I removed my other comments because I realized everyone else was so serious and I was... not. So I am starting over.

    I'm glad you've found some peace with the circumstances that were troubling to you - and I hope it's a peace and a balance that you can continue to experience. I can't pretend to know how you really feel or what you really think about yourself or any of us, but I know this much is true - you are many things that are better than perfect. I don't understand you in the way that maybe some people do, but I really appreciate your talent, your way of communicating, your sense of humor, and your ability to bring people together in the way that you have- it's a quality few people possess.

    Anyway... so glad to hear about the five days of Kate coming up! Definitely something to look forward to. Hope you have a good rest of the week.

  30. The way that you look at situations in life never ceases to amaze. I wish I wish I could be more like you. I have been working on seeing the postive in every situation and when there is not a postive trying to see what I can learn from them but sometimes it can be difficult. I consider myself a work in process and hopefully with each day I am getting better.
    Now on too the happy news. Five full days of Kate Howard. The soap gods have blessed us. I am so happy that you are working more and even better you are doing scenes that we will enjoy. I am glad that all aspects of your life are balanced and I hope that they continue to be. You deserve it. Thanks for the great blog Megan.

  31. Megan
    I’ve always had the utmost respect for you in the things you don’t say. Over the past year you have shown class, grace, humility, & most of all integrity. You have wisdom well beyond your years. I’m sure you have a very safe place to vent and show your frustrations but what most of us see is the way to handle all the things life throws at us. I couldn’t be more proud to a Megan fan. As you approach that milestone birthday that causes reflection know that you have a loyal fan base that supports you in all endeavors you want to tackle.

    On a lighter note, I can’t wait to see the opening act of your next event. Maybe a little musical number performed by your pal Jessica? Or, maybe a number performed by Megan and Jessica? I’m sure the 2 of you could up with something. I bet Kristi has a hidden talent and she could join in too.

    Keep up the hard work my friend, it is seen and appreciated. Looking forward to seeing Kate later this month.

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  33. Thank you Megan for "staying" on the road! Hopefully we can keep you there as long as you want to travel on it! There is definitely a journey still left there to experience and grow and smell the flowers along the way....thanks again for blogging.

  34. Thank you Megan for taking time once again to blog! Your words of wisdom are to be commended. As long as you are on the road to happniessand fullfillment.. WE are there with you.

    As for your upcoming scenes.. CAN'T WAIT for 5 days of the fabulous Kate Howard!!! We miss her!!

    Love and support you,

