Thursday, July 23, 2009

i want a medal. no really, i WANT a medal!

i drove 55 mins in LA traffic to take my 8 year old to a yu-gi-oh* tournament only to endure 2 hours of 100-degree-sequestered-back-of-a-manga*-store-heat while being both the oldest & dumbest person in the room. i don't know which was harder: trying to learn in 5 mins the most complicated and competitive card game ever invented or keeping my 3 year old from licking the carpet.

this is the definition of a mother's love. i received the honor because dad was busy at his own big-boy fan mecca: comic-con*. (and i wonder where my son gets it..?) so, reluctantly, i relented to the begging and pitching and all around marketing campaign that is my son.

i sat there watching, protecting and promoting the night's youngest player as he demonstrated more savvy and maturity than i thought he had. my sweaty legs were squished against the pleather folding metal chairs while desperately trying to prevent my little target dress from giving the adolescent contestants more than their $5 admission paid for. i bribed the only other female present with pocky and a first bubblegum ball so i could attempt keeping score with my little leather notebook since i did not have the prestigious iphone yu-gi-oh counting app*.

when we finally arrived home way past bedtime, the smile of winning his first match was still plastered on his face. as he got ready for bed without complaint, the smile was still plastered on his face. as i tucked him in and turned out the lights reminding him of all the things we had to do before camp in the morning, the smile was still plastered on his face...

okay, i guess i did get my medal.

*google it


  1. awe, this is the cutest blog ever. as long he is happy it make you happy! its all good! ;]
    yu-gi-oh and pokemon omg best thing to hit tv :]

  2. Awwwwww, what a good mommy. And isn't it amazing what complicated things little kids can pick up on that old(er) brains can barely wrap themselves around? And to think our moms didn't have GOOGLE when we were kids. How DID they manage? Congrats to Oliver, not only for winning but for convincing you to go. LOL.

  3. Awwww Megan, you really did get your medal! Thank you for sharing that sweet tale...and I get it on the Yu-gi-oh....I went through the Pokemon stuff with my nephew! :)

  4. So in addition to being an incredibly talented actress, you also happen to be Mother of the Year material ... is there ANYTHING you can't do amazingly well? I think not :D

    It sounds like the day was just as rewarding for you as it was for him ... the happiness of the people we love is definitely the best medal of all. What a special memory this day will always be for him - and for you, too! :-)

  5. awwww.. He won (happy dance) Congrats Oliver and especially since he was one of the youngest players. I am still trying to learn the darn game (but i do admit i cheat with the iphone app hehe) And nice round of applause for you just even sitting in traffic that long (one thing i def wont miss about LA) These are the moments that count the most...seeing them smile as big as the Cheshire cat when they accomplish what they set their hearts on.

  6. Love this blog! I don't know how to play Yu-gi-oh but I know there's so many rules so I respect you for even trying to learn. lol Another reason I don't know much about it: I grew up on Pokemon. :P

    You're such an awesome mother and I'm glad your son had so much fun! :)

  7. Aww Congratulations Oliver.. Great Job Buddy! And Audrey how was the gumball? Megan I so love reading your blogs.. They crack me up and some very entertaining reading before I head off to bed. Your medal was given to you when you became a MOM.. That is something I still have yet to experience and pray that I do someday soon before it's too late. You are such a Great Mom and your kids are forever blessed to have you! Miss You =[

  8. Look, It's SuperMOM!!!

    Sometimes just a smile will make you forget about all the other stuff, traffic, heat,etc. Seeing that grin on their face is all the Thanks, you need.

    Great story, Congrats to Oliver on his WIN.

  9. Megan,
    Thanks for sharing your day with us! I am glad your son had a GREAT time. Sorry, I don't know anything about "that" game but it sounds like FUN! Oh by the way, I am glad you had a god time with your "baking project.LOL When I saw that MUG, I knew we Skaters had to include it in our basket for you.

    Take care,


  10. awww, Megan, Congratulations to Oliver and to you. There is NOTHING better than to see your child succeed. That smile is worth a million bucks! Did you tear up? (I still haven't gotten through one of Joe's performances without getting teary-eyed!)

    Sounds like Oliver is a very bright boy@ What else would we expect--Look at his gene pool. You and Michael are doing an outstanding job! As for Audrey, she deserves a medal for stamina (and not licking the rug! LOL)

    I hope there will be many more times that Oliver and Aundry surprise you with their smarts and talent!

    love, peace & happiness,

  11. Your blogs always bring a smile to my face. I find it hard to believe that YOU were the dumbest person in the room. Good thing you included the 'Google it' astericks so this older and dumber person could understand certain parts of the blog. ;-)

    Gotta luv those pleather folding chairs in the LA heat!

    Way to go, Oliver AND Mommy!


  12. Megan,

    Loved your blog,and as you already know..Memories are Medals. Also being Oliver's card skills signal future math skills thus all is educational. As a teacher of math, I love students who love cards...they are usually some of my best students with the added skill of ability to focus!! Good job Oliver, Mom, and Audrey

    Take care,


  13. Awww...thanks for sharing such a sweet, family story. I haven't played card games in years, so I guess I'll have to google it.

    And congrats to Oliver!

  14. Aww, loved your blog! I definitely had to google like three things you mentioned in there so your "dumbest person in the room" title goes to me. ;)

    Congrats Oliver! He should totally brag about winning his first match to the kids at camp tomorrow! Thanks for sharing such a sweet story with us!

  15. this reminds me-- you owe me a pokemon lesson.

  16. Love the blog! So precious. Just warms my heart reading about Oliver's proud moment and proud Momma.

    LOL too funny how trends flow across the country. When you wrote awhile back about how you created Oliver's halloween costume and it was a Bakugan character, my son (6) was still consumed with the Star Wars Lego phase (which followed the "i'm going to be a palentologist" dinosaur phase) then suddenly all I'm hearing about is Bakugan, Gs, traps and the like. Just recently I can go to a store and not be harrassed about seeking out the most powerful one yet as he quietly mentions something about how his little pals are now into this Yu-gi-oh...

    Jean aka Spin (meanwhile Mom can't figure out how not to sign these comments Anonymous)

  17. Megan,
    What a wonderful blog!I see you are back into your full time job.The things we do for our children to see a smile on their face is funny sometimes,but even when we go that extra mile--they don't realize what it took to get there at this age.It makes you stop and think about how our parents did it!On your job today you got paid with a smile,there is not enough money in the world that can pay more than LOVE!
    Mom stories are the best! The Best To You--Jana

  18. Janette aka FrenchieJuly 26, 2009 at 7:35 AM

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful day with us. Congratulations Oliver!! Watching your child succeed at something and having that proud smile on their face makes it all worth while. I don't have a clue about yu-gi-oh but my three youngest boys love it. Thank you for sharing this with us. :)

  19. Oh Megan this is my favorite, congreat Oliver.

    love: dinah

  20. Megan that was so sweet and funny at the same time. I guess now that I'm going to be a mother reading things like that makes me get all sentimental. Reminds me of all the joys of motherhood I have to look forward to. Good thing the blog was so funny or I probably would have been in tears (something the comes pretty easily for me now that I'm pregnant.) Thanks for the adorable update!

  21. Megan-

    You and your family were cutting edge this week according to Conan O'Brien and The NY Times. Thanks to them I did not have to google that much about Oliver's exploits. Very impressive, however, if I were you I would lobby for yu-gi-oh to become a college sport with scholarship money.

    Conan did a piece on Manga Friday, hopefully Guza missed it or all of us who want love and real romance on GH will get Conan's favorite Manga character--bobble breast instead.

    The Times did a great article on comic-con although it is hard for me to believe how Fox could spend over $200 million on Avatar. While I do not trust the Times to report anything accurately, I had to laugh about its Disney comment which included the word "subpar".

    Looking forward to the next blog and you never know maybe yu-gi-oh will come up with a mother/son and mother/daughter card game.

    I better go back to producing numbers for dana before I really get in trouble.


  22. What a cute story. Thanks for sharing Megan.


  23. First of all... I really did have to google half of that. Second, it was cute as hell. And third, I can't stop laughing at the fact that you almost gave those little teens a peep show! LOL!

  24. Thanks for sharing Megan. There is nothing better than a good mommy-tale.

  25. Loved this blog.

    Brought back sweet memories for this old mom.

  26. AWW congrats oliver and audrey how did that gumball taste haha and rockstar u def got ur medal thanks for sharing such a sweet story and being the best mommy!!! This is by far my fave blog!!! love ya have a great week!!!


  27. Loved the Blog.... That was priceless... The smile of a child nothing is better....

  28. Hi Megan, I wanted you to know that I've compiled all the pics I took from FCW from the three different cameras I used, and I'm sorry to say that this year I didn't get a gem quite like this one from last year:

    Sorry!!! I know you were expecting some, considering the little chat we had at the luncheon line when you borrowed my camera. Most are quite lovely just not as unique as that one.

    Oh and, does licking the carpet mean falling? Or literally licking the carpet? There's some debate going on...

    Have a great

    I love my signature banner!! Miss you!!
